Wine & Music

This format is particularly suitable for closing an intense day of training, through the combination of artists (of various genres and caliber) and a dinner of typical local products, enhanced to the fullest. Accompanying the dinner is a selection of wines for tasting, possibly presented and accompanied by a professional sommelier.

Thanks to the vocation of Villa Simeom and its habit of hosting and organizing concerts, with local or international artists, emerging or established professionals, classical and jazz, depending on the needs, this format involves the creation of a personalized music event, designed for the company itself and its managers and employees rather than for the realization of a unique event dedicated to engaging its stakeholders.

For the occasion, a customized communication plan is devised to give visibility and resonance to the event.

A convivial moment to experience the company in a completely different perspective.

Event suitable for 60/80 people (winter), or 100 or more people (summer).